

A Chess Play on Gun Control

We The People BulletsDue to recent Terrorist Attacks and so-called ‘Mass Shootings’ the Obama Administration has taken it upon themselves to ignite a new firestorm effort at attacking our 2nd Amendment. Instead of being ‘Presidential’ in the face of clear acts of war and great tragedy, our President has arrogantly placed the American people in ‘Check’. Up until now, his numerous passes on the subject of the ‘Assault Weapon’ debate, has been for the most part, all talk and no bite. However, in recent days, he’s shown his fangs and has already begun the process of biting down. In fact, his recent out lash is indicative of a Pit Bull whose jaw is permanently locked, thereby preventing the release of his bite.

In my opinion, our President has past the political point of no return and will force his mandate home, through the powers of his Executive and it couldn’t come at a worst time. Don’t’ think so, you say? I’m fear mongering and conspiracy theorizing, you insist? Well think again, the President can and it comes at just a stroke of a pen. It’s really simple to force a complete ban on so-called Assault Weapons, high-capacity magazines, types and or quantity of ammunition purchases, body armor and more and its all made easy through ‘Executive Action’.

So what is Executive Action and how does it work?

Basically it’s an exception to all the rules, a mechanism designed to afford our President the ability to forgo the Judicial and Legislative Process. You could say it’s a President’s Wild Card. Until now this Wild Card of sorts has come in the form of ‘Presidential Pardons’ where a President essentially overrides the Judicial Process and erases the conviction of a particular person found guilty by judge or jury. Other common uses of this mechanism has been in the enactment of Federal Holidays and things of that nature.  Aside from the ‘Pardon’ and less important matters, nearly every sitting President has either followed the tried and tested Legislative Process or decided against forcing their personal agenda on ‘The People’ unless it was deemed vital to the National Security and function of our Government as a whole.King 1

However, following 9-11, Executive Action as become the President’s go-to play when ‘The People’ aren’t behind their agenda. Since 9-11, it has evolved into a convenient way of forcing an individual President’s ‘personal’ lust for power, on a completely unsupportive citizenry. Think about it, if ‘We The People’ approve and support a given proposed mandate or process and that approval finds momentum among our representatives, then there’s no need whatsoever for the vast majority of resent Executive Actions. No, instead former President Bush and no current President Obama have used this tactic with unchecked glee, to maneuver around the very spirit behind the very ‘balance’ of our Judicial, Legislative and Executive Branches, while violating the trust of ‘The People.’

How easy is it to enact a particular Executive Action?

Well as easy as the President jotting down his ‘Royal Decree’ on a napkin accompanied with his signature. Obviously the President would choose a much more formalized manner of documenting his decree, but the point I’m making is that there really is no definitive process, no ‘Check and Balance’.

dreamstime_396676.jpgWhat if an Executive Action is completely illegal or unconstitutionally?

I mean the President can’t break the law, that’s just not possible. Presidents most certainly can and have. Once a particular Executive Action is in-play, it has life and is essentially Executive Law and will be enforced. Even if a particular portion of a decree or the entire Action itself, is completely unconstitutional, that mandate will stay in effect until it has been officially killed theough Judicial Process. It’s ironic really, a President can manuver around a process solely capable of reversing said manuver.

Yet it takes an extraordinary amount of time for such Action to breathe it’s last breath. Even if a Federal Judge rules a particular portion of said Action or the Action in whole, is illegal or unconstitutional, the matter will typically be sent on a slow journey to the higher courts and will likely continue until it finally reaches the US Supreme Court. Regardless, the Action goes untouched for the most part, until it’s been completely squashed. This takes substantial Judicial Process and that takes a considerable amount of time. In the mean time ‘We The People’ are stuck, up Shit Creek, with a broken oar and no rifle to fight of encroaching lions who lurk at the bend.

Obama middle finger

If you don’t think our current President would intentionally ignore the overwhelmingly Pro Gun pulse that’s beating rapidly through the hearts of the American people and force such an intentional infringement of our 2nd Amendment, while arrogantly flip us all the Bird, let me remind you of his track record, which is littered with unconstitutional Executive Actions.

An important question to ask is, why hasn’t he already forced such Action?

The only logical answer is that he’s waiting for the most opportune time to strike our jugular. In my opinion he’s waiting to hijack a cluster of deadly mass shootings. This way, he can more successfully misrepresent those events to make his Action appear to be a reasonable response to an immediate Public Safety and or National Security Threat.

Our President knows he can do this. He also knows he has a group of people who would back him, which include the US Supreme Court. Yet, he knows his limits as well. He knows he can’t encroach on the entirety of our 2nd Amendment. However, he most certainly can take our most useful tools of defense from us. He knows all too well that while such an Action would inevitably be reversed, that reversal would take years to finally take effect and by then he’ll be long gone.

Now how can we stop such an audaciously anti-American action?

It’s simple. We need to forgo the same tit-for-tat, grab ass, back-and-forth debate and start playing Chess as apposed to Checkers. Folks, the 2nd Amendment is not only bedrock Constitutional assuredness, its been dammed “Inalienable” and is therefore non-debatable. So why are we? Why do we obsess ourselves with debating non-issues? It’s about as reasonable as arguing with someone about whether the Earth is flat or not.

Mark Twain brilliantly said:

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

If there’s one thing I know it’s that the entire argument for Gun Control, not only defies common sense, but it’s just plain stupidity. Those who find the irrational, rational, are also stupid people or at the very least extremely lazy-minded. The trouble is that when a ‘rational person’ attempts to struggle with an ‘irrational person’ using ‘rational’ as some sort of meeting point, the person of reason is taken on a marathon of senseless stupidity that they soon fatigue, stop thinking, let they’re guard down and are then hit out of left field with brand new Gun Laws.

freedom-of-speech2Is there really an argument in the first place?

Again, we’re talking about an ‘Inalienable Right’ not a ‘Privilege’. Put it this way, lets say a group of yahoos attempted to convince our government into a complete ban on singing above a particular octave level. For some reason this group of fools convinced themselves that human voice above a particular pitch, is somehow harmful and therefore a public health issue. Because of this, they demand government control. How quickly do you think their ‘argument’ would be ignored and their demand outright denied? I’d venture to say, quicker than Obama turned the San Bernardino Terror Attack into his next Gun Control talking point, and that was within ten-minutes of him finding out about the attack.

Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, religion, political alignment, profession or even favorite spots team, the American people agree on one thing for sure, there’s no way in Hell they’d allow their government to enact a prohibition of singing.  There wouldn’t even be a debate on the matter. The answer would be a resounding “Go Fuck Yourself!”

That’s exactly how stupid it is that we, ‘The People’ are arguing about the 2nd Amendment. The definition of ‘Insanity’ is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. How about we stop playing tug-of-war and tie our end of the rope to a heavy unmovable anchor called, ‘Intelligence’, turn our backs, walk proudly the other way and allow stupid people, all the time in the world they wish to wear themselves out?

chess-1Checkers is a game of child’s play, Chess however takes thought and strategy. Chess is a game for the for the intelligent. People, we; the gun lobbying right, need to preemptively deny the stupid people standing to our far left, their next move and we need to do this expediently. We’ve reached the point of critical mass. If we don’t act now, he will. As a result, we’ll all witness a ban on Assault Weapons so intrusive it’ll make the last one look like a relaxing, sunny day on a tropical island.

For far too long, we’ve relied on the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) ability to influence and force powerful legislators to sway to the side of reason. We’ve been pretty fortunate up till now and that vitally important government officials, discovered that working with the NRA, is much more ‘lucrative’ venture than working against it. Essentially, politicians are inherently self-indulged greedy individualists, have a price and can be bought. While putting it in such blunt terms, makes our government appear ‘corrupt’, well it is and sadly money motivates the indulgent. This has worked to our benefit and as helped steer previous Presidents form going too far, because until now, Presidents have been tethered to their party. Unfortunately, Obama broke his leash before he even took office.

King 3Obama is a breed of his own. He’s already made it to the top and because he’s done such a pitiful job getting there, he’s lost the support of the vast majority of his own part. As a result, he has ZERO desirer to pursue anything other than book deals after he concludes this last term. He’s also insanely, narcissistic, doesn’t care, nor does he even have the capability of feeling anything but the lust of his own heart’s cravings. While previous Gun Control aligned Presidents have been effetely pulled into Gun Rights submission, this one won’t be unless we preempt him. Obama could care less about the opinions or even advice of his NRA ‘bought’ Democratic peers. On top of this, Obama’s own pride prevents him from being convinced through bribery, at forgoing such dangerous Executive Trailblazing ventures. He’s too obsessed with showing us all, that he truly is the “Yes I Can” President he swore he was going to be.

Folks, we’re only vulnerable to being infringed upon because we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. We tire ourselves with frustration and grief, because we choose to stoop to their level and play childish games, which would cause Mother Teresa to curse God. What we need to do is preemptively deny Obama his final move.

How do we do this if he alone holds the keys to Pandora’s Box of Constitutional Infringement?

Its simple really and I’m going to make it very clear. TELL HIM NO! Not just no but, “Go Fuck Yourself!” And we do this by putting him and future idiots like him, in a state of Eternal Checkmate.Chess-2

Its time to use the NRA to broker the courage of the people who actually have the power to make this “NO!” a solidified and unadulterated dead-end, which can’t be penetrated, tunneled under, summited or even flanked, not even by a corrupt Supreme Court. You see, the Achilles Heel of any Executive Action is that it’s ‘enforcement’ requires the cooperation of both the government’s enforcement arm and a people willing to submit. So what if a considerable group of ‘We The People’ preemptively make it clearer than John Hancock’s signature itself, that it’s collective will NOT comply and have every intent of defending their stance, thereby greatly limiting the President’s options. At which point he’s forced on the reliance that his ‘Enforcers’ will enforce. Let’s also say ‘We The People’ first convince and draw out the honor, courage and commitment of our fellowmen; who are essentially ‘civilians’ them selves, dressed in wolves clothing, our Sheepdogs, who’s job it is to defend our flock from the prowling cunning of the Big Bad Wolf, who lurks and waits ahead, those American’s who ware the badge as his Enforcers?

A scenario like that means you’d not only have a people completely unwilling to comply, but you’d also lose the mechanized ability to enact enforcement of an unconstitutional mandate. Nothing of this scale has ever been attempted, but that doesn’t mean it can’t or wont happen. The fear of the impossible, didn’t stop Sir Edmond Hillary form summiting Mt. Everest, or Ferdinand Magellan from circumnavigation the Glob and it for damn sure didn’t stop Neil Motha-F-ing Armstrong from walking on the Moon. Excuses didn’t prevent the Wright Brothers from flying, Alexander Graham Bell from inventing the first telephone, Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, Samuel Ford’s Assembly Line, nor did it prevent Joseph Gayetty from one of the greatest inventions of man kind, that’s more valuable than Thomas Edison’s Light Bulb, and something we can’t go without, Toilet Paper.

ahistorycollageExcuses have never stood in the way of the American and Freedom is what’s made us who were are. Freedom is what’s enabled us to advance, to invent and to discover. Freedom is what’s afforded us the ability to dream Free dreams, to think Free thoughts, to join together and talk Free talks, to pray Free prayers, to cast Free votes and to sleep secure at night Free from the fear of an tyrannic government overlord. If we don’t look back at who we are and where we’ve come from, if we don’t recognize that we’ve already lived under the oppressive rule of one King and that we don’t need another, then we’ll witness the greatest government infringement since before the birth of our Great Nation.

We my friends, are ‘The People’ and we are the ones with the guns. It’s time we up the ante. We need to readjust our aim. Stop buying-off our Congress and Senate, all we’re doing is wasting billions upon billions of dollars which could be spent in a more useful manner. Instead we need to turn our sights to our Law Enforcement and Military leaders and I DON’T mean literally. Figuratively, we need to put them in ‘Check’ and play full-court press until they find the courage to stand united, by their Oath, which is to “Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States from enemies both Foreign and Domestic.”

sheriff-clarkeYou see, not until our Law Enforcement and Military leaders stand in unison as one cooperative group, making it clear that guns save lives, which is why they themselves carry them and that law abiding armed citizens provide a crucial layer of protection, not only against criminals but corrupt government as well as invading armies, and that ultimately the Constitution of the United States of America, explicitly protects the Right of it’s people to both keep and bear arms and is furthered with the only exclamation in the entire Constitution, that this protection “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” and that in turn, they will NOT under ANY circumstance or at ANY time; not now or later, enforce ANY Law, Mandate or Executive Order, which would infringe upon the protection of the 2nd Amendment or would violate Any other portion of the Constitution.

Then and only then will the argument be forever silenced and the insane battle of tit-for-tat find it’s end. At that point the ‘child’ who sits in our House enthroned on his own imaginary make-believe, will at last learn his place. He’ll be forced to look long and hard into the mirror, and discover this, that he’s not the lion he thought he was and is instead, an obnoxiously, annoying Chihuahua, who’s bark is as pathetically useless as his teeth are weak. He’ll realize he can’t fire and court martial the entirety of his enforcers, nor would he find anyone with equal courage to attempt such enforcement and will in turn be left in Eternal Check. A lesson learned for the ages and for anyone who follows in his steps.

While this may appear to be a grandiose pipe-dream on my part, its not. In fact, in the last year we’ve seen a current of courage surge through the veins of a handful of heroic County Sheriffs across this Nation. It’s time for the rest to Cowboy Up and for our Generals to stand beside them and proclaim once and for all, “Enough is Enough! Come And Take It!”.  Find your local Sheriff or Police Chief, write them and demand that they stand by their Oath and stand against infringement. Write another letter to the Joint Chiefs, remind them of why they serve and why so many laid down their lives in our stead. Demand that they to Stand by their Oath. Then write the NRA and demand they readjust and presure our King’s enforcers. Finally, write our King and remind him, that ‘We The People’ have woke and he does not want us to speak.

If we concede the inalienable, what’s left to keep us Free?


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This entry was posted on December 7, 2015 by in 2nd Amendment, Fierarms, Freedom, Politics.